Tuesday, December 25, 2012

week 7 : juxtaposition


What is it?
juxtaposition is the act or placement of two things side by side

Here the example of Juxtaposition that's made my me:

The lion is climbing a tree.



there is a flower on the table.


I throw a stone to the cat.


week 6: Mortar And Pestle


The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, ceramic or stone. The pestle is a heavy club-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding.

What's we can do with Mortar and Pestle?

1.use Mortar as a Bowl to cook instant noodle when we are in hostel.

2.As a workout object.

3.As a roller use to make a cookies

week 5:mind map

How to create a mind map?
1.write the main subject in the middle of a paper
2.write a things that's related to the subject and make a arrow
3.add more things as many as you want to make it interesting.

What's the uses of mind map?
1.Making notes from books and other secondary sources.
2.Making notes from lectures

3.Making notes for essays or presentations

Saturday, December 1, 2012

week 4

This video a little bit about Chinese Civilation
                                                                           *taken from YOUTUBE

History of Chinese Civilation:
china civilization located in the valley of Hwang Ho and extends into the southern part of china.

China expansion began with emergence of Chin Dynasti. The Emperor Shih Huang Ti
is the founder of Chin Dynasti. He successfully expanded the power of China.

What actually I want to shared is not history of Chinsese
Civilation, but the CREATIVITY of them.

1.What traits that make them creative?
a)The passion to survive:
In Chinese civilation, the agriculture was the main source for the cost of living.
They have created the "PLOW" to make the advanced the agriculture in
their civilation.
chinese Plow

b)Skills in Architecture:
They have built one of the greatest architecture in current world,"THE GREAT WALL
OF CHINA".The great wall of China built for placement of Emperor. They use clay
and bricks to built that.

2. What Environmental that make them creative?
The environmental that make them creative is, China have a fertile soil and have 
a large region that can allow them to run the agriculture process. This singularity make 
them came out with brilliant idea to advance their agriculture.

Beside that, their people have a knowledge about architecture. Because of that, they
can built a lot of great and creative building.

Week 3

Based on this article, what kind of environtment that make you creative??

1.When you got a problem and need to find a way to solve it:
For example,WiFi. People face a problem when they want to use internet at somewhere
that do not have an internet cable. Because of that, the creative way to solve this 
problem appeared. It was "WiFi"

2.When there is competition in business:
For example,in Mobile Phone Business. Now a days, there was a competition between two
biggest mobile phone company. Both of this company always come out with
creative idea to advance their business.